Oatmeal – Porridge or Shake, Lactose free, 6-pack

159.00 kr

This filling lactose-free meal is a delicious blend of gluten free oats, small chew-friendly apple pieces and a hint of cinnamon.
Prepare it as a good traditional porridge or a delicious frothy shake.


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Oatmeal – Porridge or Shake, Lactose free, 6-pack
Seasonal l
imited edition!

A warm and comforting start to the day or why not for lunch, dinner or as a snack? This filling lactose-free meal is a delicious blend of gluten free oats, small chew-friendly apple pieces and a hint  of aromatic cinnamon.

Slanka Oatmeal can be prepared as a good traditional porridge or as a delicious frothy shake.

  • Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD)
  • 170 kcal / portion
  • Lactose free*
  • For best results, use an electric blender when preparing our lactose free products
  • Works well on Maxi
  • High quality and natural ingredients
  • No added gluten, aspartame or soy flour

A smart choice even if you are not suffering from lactose intolerance but feel that other products make your stomach rumble.

* Lactose free when the recommended amount of water is used.
Our lactose free range of VLCD products contains pea protein and lactose-reduced skim milk. Sweetened with stevia and fructose.

Mix 2.5-3 dl water with a bag of oatmeal in electric mixer or a blender. Pour into a cup and heat in the microwave for about 1 minute.

Mix with 1 dl of warm water in a slightly larger bowl (the porridge can swell), stir. Heat 1 min in micro (700 W). Stir into smooth porridge texture. Keep in mind that the power between different microwave ovens varies, and thus the cooking time. Experiment until you find your desired texture. Sometimes the porridge may need a few seconds extra for a slightly firmer consistency.

Slanka Oatmeal porridge is easy to vary with different toppings: raw apple,  yoghurt, raspberries, blueberries, black currant, banana, small pieces of dates or dried fruits,  chopped nuts or seeds, cardamon, ginger etc.

**When on Maxi only dry spices



Slanka VLCD  (Very Low Calorie Diet) is a complete food replacement diet for weight control with very low energy content.

Slanka VLCD is perfect for ketogenic diet. Slanka VLCD is a safe and easy way if you want to lose weight quickly and stay in shape by reducing calorie intake without sacrificing nutrition, quality or taste. Slanka VLCD provides all the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements that your body needs as well as a high content of protein.

Replace all meals for up to 3 weeks* with 3 servings per day of Slanka soup/shake/pudding/oatmeal. 
3 servings of Slanka VLCD will give you the complete recommended daily intake of essential nutrients 
(vitamins, minerals and trace elements) as well as a high content of protein – but only 510 kcal!

*On the VLCD diet you must eat all 3 portions per day to get all the necessary nutrients. Drink about 3 litres of water/day. Slanka should not be used as the sole food source for more than 3 weeks without consulting a doctor.

Note: VLCD products shall not be used as a sole source of nutrition for children, adolescents under 18 years, elderly, pregnant or nursing women, or people with eating disorders. Consult with a doctor if you suffer from e.g. cardiovascular diseases, disorders of metabolism or diabetes.


Nutritional content Slanka Oatmeal
– porridge or shake

per 100 g per portion (=45 g) %DRI/100g
Energi kJ/kcal 1500/370 700/170
Fett g 6,5 3,1
varav mättat g 1,1 0,5
Kolhydrat g 37 17
varav sockerarter g 26 12
Fiber g 6,9 3,2
Protein g 35 17
Salt 2,5 1,2
Vitamin A μg 750 350 94%
Vitamin D μg 3,8 1,8 76%
Vitamin E mg 8,2 3,9 68%
Vitamin K μg 51 24 68%
Vitamin C mg 57 27 71%
Vitamin B1 (Tiamin) mg 1,2 0,56 109%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) mg 1,8 0,85 129%
Niacin mg 13 6,1 81%
Vitamin B6 mg 1,6 0,75 114%
Folsyra μg 170 80 85%
Vitamin B12 μg 3,2 1,5 128%
Biotin (vitamin B7) μg 81 38 162%
Pantotensyra (vitamin B5) mg 5,0 2,4 83%
Natrium (Na) mg 1010 470
Kalium (K) mg 1450 680 73%
Klorid (Cl) mg 1210 570 151%
Kalcium (Ca) mg 730 340 91%
Fosfor (P) mg 910 430 130%
Magnesium (Mg) mg 310 150 83%
Järn (Fe) mg 13 6,1 93%
Zink (Zn) mg 11 5,2 110%
Koppar (Cu) mg 1,5 0,71 150%
Mangan (Mn) mg 1,8 0,85 90%
Selen (Se) μg 41 19 75%
Krom (Cr) μg 41 19 103%
Molybden (Mo) μg 170 80 340%
Jod (I) μg 120 56 80%

* Dagligt Referensintag per 100 g. De referensvärden
vi använder oss av följer förordning (EU) 1169/2011.

För att den konsumtionsfärdiga produkter ska innehålla <0,01% laktos måste portionen á 47 g blandas med minst 100ml vatten.



Laktosreducerat skummjölkspulver, ärtprotein, glutenfria havregryn*, fruktos, majsstärkelse, mineraler (natrium, klorid, kalcium, fosfor, magnesium, kalium, järn, molybden, zink, krom, jod, selen, mangan, koppar) och vitaminer (vitamin C, vitamin E, niacin, biotin, vitamin A, pantotensyra, vitamin B12, folsyra, vitamin B6, vitamin D, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin K), havrefiber, vegetabilisk olja (soja), äpplebitar (2,5 %), äpplepulver** (äpple, majsstärkelse och socker), arom, kanel (0,15 %).

* havregrynen innehåller påvisbara mängder gluten, men garanterat mindre än 20 ppm
** produkten innehåller 1,4 % äpplepulver och det finns minimalt lite socker i äpplepulvret, för att äpplena inte ska bli mörka och missfärgade.

Produkten innehåller naturliga äpplebitar och havre. Små växtdelar som kärnor, skal, stjälk kan förekomma
