Chocolate-Mint Meal Replacement Bar, 20 pcs KS

244.50 kr

Chocolate Mint with Roasted Coconut. Best-before date:  5/4 2019.

Chocolate-Mint Meal Replacement Bar 1 piece KS × 20

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Chocolate-Mint Meal Replacement Bar. Best-before date:  5/4 2019. Perfectly edible long after expiration. The taste determines.

Low calorie meal replacement bar made of delicious dark chocolate with a well balanced flavour of mint and roasted coconut.

Slanka complete meal replacement bar is more than just a protein or energy bar. It is bursting with nutrients and is high in protein. One Chocolate-Mint bar will give you 1/3 of all the nutrients you need in a day – but only 210 kcal!

Slanka Chocolate-Toffee bar enables a safe weight control. Perfect if you want to lose weight and stay in shape by reducing calorie intake without sacrificing nutrition, quality or taste..

Ideal when you’re on the go, need extra energy, want to keep a low calorie intake etc.

  • Low Calorie Diet (LCD)
  • Only 210 kcal / bar
  • 3 bars = daily recommended intake of nutrients
  • Works well on Slanka Kombi/Balance and 5:2 diet. Not on Maxi.
  • No added gluten (gluten-free), aspartame or soy flour
  • Manufactured in nut-free environment.


60 g.



Måltidsersättning för viktkontroll
per 100g per portion (=60 g)
Energi kcal/kJ 360/1500 210/900
Protein g 22 13
Protein E% 25 25
Kolhydrat g 39 23
varav sockerarter g 19 11
Fett g 12 7,5
Fett E% 30 30
varav mättat g 5,5 3,5
varav linolsyra g 1,7 1
Fiber g 4,5 2,5
Vitamin A μg 360 210
Vitamin D μg 2,6 1,5
Vitamin E mg 5,2 3,1
Vitamin C mg 23 14
Tiamin mg 0,6 0,34
Riboflavin mg 0,9 0,5
Niacin mg 9,1 5,5
Vitamin B6 mg 0,8 0,46
Folat μg 100 60
Vitamin B12 μg 0,8 0,5
Biotin μg 10 6
Pantotensyra mg 1,7 1
Kalcium (Ca) mg 510 310
Fosfor (P) mg 370 220
Kalium (K) mg 890 540
Järn (Fe) mg 8,7 5,2
Zink (Zn) mg 5 3
Koppar (Cu) mg 0,6 0,35
Jod (I) μg 66 40
Selen (Se) μg 28 16,7
Natrium (Na) mg 290 175
Magnesium (Mg) mg 100 60
Mangan (Mn) mg 0,5 0,3
INGREDIENSER:Mjölkprotein, glukossirap, överdrag (socker, vegetabiliskt fett (palm, shea) innehållande stabiliseringsmedel sorbitantristearat, fettreducerat kakaopulver, emulgeringsmedel sojalecitin, arom), fuktighetsbevarande medel sorbitol och glycerol, fruktossirap, mineraler (natriumcitrat, natriumklorid, kalciumlaktat, kaliumfosfat, magnesiumlaktat, kaliumbikarbonat, ferridifosfat, zinkoxid, natriumselenit, mangansulfat, kopparsulfat, kaliumjodid) och vitaminer (vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B3, vitamin A, vitamin B5, vitamin D3, vitamin B6, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, vitamin B7, vitamin B1, vitamin B9), havrefiber*, sojalecitin, cikoriarotfiber (inulin), vegetabilisk olja (raps), kakaofett, fettreducerat kakaopulver, kokos, arom, antioxidationsmedel citronsyra.

* baren innehåller påvisbara mängder av gluten, men garanterat mindre än 20 ppm