Citrus shake – Lactose Free, 6-pack

162.00 kr

Kick start your weight loss with our delicious Citrus shake – combining the sweetness of orange and tanginess of lemon.

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Citrus shake – Lactose Free, 6-Pack
Seasonal Limited Edition

Kick start your weight loss with our delicious Citrus shake – combining the sweetness of orange and tanginess of lemon. Blend with some ice cubes for a refreshing icy cold shake on a hot summerday.

  • Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD)
  • 170 kcal / portion
  • Lactose free*
  • For best results, use an electric blender when preparing our lactose free products
  • Works well on Maxi
  • High quality and natural ingredients
  • No added gluten, aspartame or soy flour

A smart choice even if you are not suffering from lactose intolerance but feel that other products make your stomach rumble.

* Lactose free when the recommended amount of water is used.
Our lactose free range of VLCD products contains pea protein and lactose-reduced skim milk. Sweetened with stevia and fructose.

Slanka VLCD  (Very Low Calorie Diet) is a complete food replacement diet for weight control with very low energy content.

Slanka VLCD is perfect for ketogenic diet. Slanka VLCD is a safe and easy way if you want to lose weight quickly and stay in shape by reducing calorie intake without sacrificing nutrition, quality or taste.

Replace all meals for up to 3 weeks* with 3 servings per day of Slanka soup/shake/pudding/oatmeal. 
3 servings of Slanka VLCD will give you the complete recommended daily intake of essential nutrients 
(vitamins, minerals and trace elements) as well as a high content of protein – but only 510 kcal!

*On the VLCD diet you must eat all 3 portions per day to get all the necessary nutrients. Drink about 3 litres of water/day. Slanka should not be used as the sole food source for more than 3 weeks without consulting a doctor.

Note: VLCD products shall not be used as a sole source of nutrition for children, adolescents under 18 years, elderly, pregnant or nursing women, or people with eating disorders. Consult with a doctor if you suffer from e.g. cardiovascular diseases, disorders of metabolism or diabetes.



per 100g per portion (=46 g) per dygnsdos (=138 g)
Energi kcal/kJ 390/1600 180/750 530/2250
Protein g 36 17 50
Kolhydrat g 37 17 51
varav sockerarter g 31 14 43
Fett g 9 4 12
varav mättat g 1 0,5 1,5
varav linolsyra g 2,2 1 3
Fiber g 5 2,5 7
Vitamin A mg 0,8 0,4 1,1
Vitamin D μg 3,8 1,7 5,2
Vitamin E mg 8,1 3,7 11
Vitamin K μg 51 23 70
Tiamin mg 1,1 0,5 1,5
Riboflavin mg 1,4 0,6 1,9
Niacin mg 13 6 18
Vitamin B6 mg 1,6 0,7 2,2
Vitamin B12 μg 2,4 1,1 3,3
Folsyra μg 160 74 220
Biotin μg 80 37 110
Pantotensyra mg 3,8 1,7 5,2
Vitamin C mg 49 22,5 68
Natrium (Na) g 0,8 0,4 1,1
Kalium (K) g 1,7 0,8 2,3
Kalcium (Ca) g 0,6 0,3 0,8
Klorid (Cl) g 1,6 0,7 2,2
Fosfor (P) mg 1010 470 1390
Magnesium (Mg) mg 280 130 390
Järn (Fe) mg 12 5,5 17
Zink (Zn) mg 9,8 4,5 14
Koppar (Cu) mg 1,5 0,7 2,1
Jod (I) μg 120 55 170
Mangan (Mn) mg 1,8 0,8 2,5
Krom (Cr) μg 41 19 57
Selen (Se) μg 41 19 57
Molybden (Mo) μg 160 74 220

Laktosreducerat skummjölkspulver, ärtprotein, fruktos, mineraler* och vitaminer**, cikoriarotfiber (inulin), vegetabilisk olja (raps), sojalecitin, arom, apelsinjuicepulver (1% apelsin), koncentrerad apelsinjuice, stabiliseringsmedel xanthangummi och karragenan, äppelsyra, färgämne betakaroten, steviolglykosider.
Mineraler* natriumcitrat, magnesiumcitrat, kaliumklorid, magnesiumfosfat, kaliumfosfat, kalciumfosfat, natriumklorid, ferridifosfat, natriummolybdat, zinksulfat, kromklorid, kaliumjodid, natriumselenit, mangansulfat, kopparsulfat.
Vitaminer** vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B3, vitamin B7, vitamin A, vitamin B5, vitamin B12, vitamin B9, vitamin B6, vitamin D3, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin K. Portionspåse: 46 g.